Announcing the release of the solo piano album NORTHSCAPES. The project weaves works—from contemporary Nordic and Baltic composers—into a tapestry of soundscapes, vibrating between landscape and the imagination.
The album features music by: Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Lasse Thoresen, Bent Sorensen, Kaija Saariaho, Raminta Serksnyte, and Peteris Vasks.
Digital downloads available here:

"Jokubaviciute approaches the piano with attentive precision—every note, keyed or otherwise, placed within the instrument’s resonance for maximum clarity—combined with a provocative, febrile intelligence."
The Washington Post
'However impressive Jokubaviciute's fingers were in the music's execution, it is her brain that is most entrancing.'
The Philadelphia Inquirer
'elegant and engaging'
Wall Street Journal